Empowering Single Moms to Walk in Their Purpose
We are a community-based nonprofit organization connecting single mothers to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.
Our Mission, Vision & Purpose
Our mission is to guide, support, and empower single mothers to access education, career, and financial opportunities to independently provide for themselves and their children. Our vision is to elevate, encourage, and empower more than 100 single moms yearly through a variety of support services and programs such as strategic planning for motherhood, education and career readiness, mentorship, family activities, and financial literacy. Our purpose embodies providing a community of support to ensure single mothers have access to the tools they need to create generational wealth and prosperity.
Our Services
Mentorship & Skills Development
Moms In Motion (MIM) is committed to delivering mentorship and skills development to underserved and underrepresented single mothers. Not only do we identify and mitigate skills gaps, we empower women to learn new and exciting skills to promote career growth and development.
Financial Literacy
& Empowerment
As the head of your household, we teach you how to achieve financial independence. From budgeting to debt management to homeownership, we uplift women in need by equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to manage money effectively, efficiently, and routinely.
Career Pathways
& Coaching
A recent KPMG study of more than 3,000 women found that early development of leadership skills boosted women's confidence and competence. Our team helps to create career pathways that lead women from support roles to the C-suite and towards entrepreneurship.
Health & Wellness
We value the importance of health and wellness for both mothers and their children. Through education and awareness, we provide families with the tools and resources that they need to prioritize their mental health, healthy eating habits, and wellness journey.
“The more women help one another, the more we help ourselves. Acting like a coalition truly does produce results.”
— Sheryl Sandberg
Did you know…
of the nearly 15 million single parent-led households in the U.S., more than 80% are led by single moms? That’s power!
Interested in becoming a “Mom In Motion”?
We all know a single mom. Either we were raised by one or we know someone raising children on their own. They need and deserve support. We want to help. Nominate a mom or share your information to join our tribe of ambitious and determined women and mothers with purpose.